1. But no one succeeds except those who are base and vile. ����ֻ���ǰ�ɶ��ӵĻ��˲Ż����Ӧ�֡�
2. How dare the man treat his only child in such a vile way? ������ô������˱��ɵķ�ʽ�Դ���Ψһ�ĺ����أ�
3. Vile Poisons now gives your poisons a chance to resist dispel effects, in addition to increasing poison damage. ���ⶾҩ����ʹ��Ķ�ҩ���˺�֮��п��ܲ���һ���ֿ���ɢ��Ч����
1. morally reprehensible
2. causing or able to cause nausea