1. I have never been beaten, so empathy is my only weapon against the ugliness I know vicariously. �Ҵ�δ�����ܣ����ԡ��㡱�������ᵽ������ʤ��������ֿ�а���Ψһ������
2. Voil��! In view a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. �ư�����������һ�������ĵ�����ḻ����ˣ��Ա�����˵ı�Ǩ�´����Ŷ�����ܺ��ߵ�˫�ؽ�ɫ��
3. Puppeteers are psionic parasites that vicariously experience the lives of their victims by taking control of their minds. ���ܳ���һ���Կ����ܺ��ߵ�����Ϊ�ֶΣ�������ܺ�����������ܼ����档
1. indirectly, as, by, or through a substitute