1. Verbal communication and non-verbal communication are the two forms of interpersonal communication. The research of kinesic is an important part of that of non-verbal communication. �˼ʼ�Ľ�����Ϊ���サ�ʺͷ����サ�ʣ��о����������о������サ�ʻ��һ����Ҫ���档
2. It should be unburdened by dichotomies like conscious/unconscious content, verbal/non-verbal expression, and separate/fused object. ������ʶ/����ʶ���ݣ�����/����������Լ�����/�ںϿ��������Ķ��ַ�����Ӧ����������
3. It should be unburdened by dichotomies like conscious/unconscious content, verbal/non-verbal expression, and separate/fused object. ������ʶ/����ʶ���ݣ�����/����������Լ�����/�ںϿ��������Ķ��ַ�����Ӧ����������
4. This paper attempts to investigate the echoic mention theory of verbal irony, a relevance-theoretical approach to verbal irony. ����ּ�ڿ����Թ�����Ϊ�����ķ����о����ۡ����������ۡ�
5. Kinesics language, as means of non-verbal expressions, plays an important aided role in verbal communication. ��Ϊ�����Ա����ֶε������������サ�ʹ�����������Ҫ�ĸ������á�
Verbal and Non Verbal communication �ڲ���ͨ���ⲿ��ͨ;