1. To mark (an item) with a notation in order to question its validity or accuracy. ����һ������ϼǺţ���������Ч�Ի�ȷ��������ɡ�
2. And the simulation results indicate both the validity and the high precision of this algorithm. �������������㷨��������ȷ�ģ����Ҿ��нϸߵIJ��ȷ�ԡ�
3. Please do observe your own minds, your own activity in relationship, and you will soon find out the truth and validity of this statement. ��ȷʵȥ�۲����Լ���ͷ�ԣ����ڹ�ϵ�����Լ����ж����㽫�ܿ췢�����ࡪ�����������ȷ�ԡ�
1. the quality of being logically valid
2. the quality of having legal force or effectiveness