back ͨ��ָ���۵㡢�ж�����ҵ�ȵ�ǿ����֧�֡� uphold �ȿ�ָ����Ŭ�������������ߵ�֧�֣�Ҳ��ָ��ij�����ж�������������ϵ�֧�֡� support ����㷺����ָ�ڵ����ϻ�������֧��ij�ˣ�Ҳ��ָ��ij����ҵ��֧�֡� sustain ����ָ�������ϵ�֧�֡� advocate ��ָͨ��д���»���˵����֧�ֻ�ӵ����������ʾ�ᳫij�»�Ϊij�±绤��
1. Four large columns upheld the building's heavy roof. �ĸ�������֧��������������ij����ݶ���
2. The appeal court uphold the sentence. ���߷�ͥά�����о���
3. Every citizen should uphold the Constitution. ÿ������Ӧ��ά���ܷ���
1. keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last
2. stand up for; stick up for; of causes, principles, or ideals
3. support against an opponent