1. In front of me lay the whole valley like an untouched paradise on earth. չ��������ǰ��������ɽ�ȣ�����һ��û�˵������˼����á�
2. It is a small matter to control the mind of the weak�� for I bear allegiance to powers untouched by time, unmoved by fate. ������Щ���ߵ���������С��һ��������Ϊ���������Dz���ʱ�����������������˺�����������
3. To increase FDI flow to China next year, Wu said China will keep its favourable policies towards foreign investors untouched. ����˵��Ϊ������������������������й�������ִ����Թ���Ͷ���ߵ��Ż����ߡ�
1. still full
2. not influenced or affected
3. not having come in contact
4. emotionally unmoved