1. His face assumed an expression as unsympathetic as remote. �����ϴ���һ�ֵ�Į����Զ�ı��顣
2. She may find me unsympathetic after all, and no man can remedy that. ��ͷ������Ҳ���ܶ����з��С��⣬�κ����˶����ó����Ȱ취��
3. Yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic breeze. Ȼ�����������ɽ����������뵽����г��������С�
1. not sympathetic or disposed toward
2. (of characters in literature or drama) tending to evoke antipathetic feelings
3. not having an open mind
4. lacking in sympathy and kindness
5. not agreeing with your tastes or expectations