1. She is an unsuccessful farmer. ���Ǹ�ʧ�ܵ�ũ������
2. After an unsuccessful four years as a translator, he embarked on a new career �C teacher. �ڸ������귭���Ҳ����ɹ�������ʼ�����µ�ְҵ������ʦ��
3. Any successful or unsuccessful attempts to damage, sabotage or even steal another competitors equipment will lead to prosecution to the fullest extent. �κγɹ��Ļɹ�����ͼ���ƻ���������ȡ��һ�������ֵ��豸�����¼�����������ȵء�
1. not successful; having failed or having an unfavorable outcome
2. failing to accomplish an intended result