1. Not unnaturally, she was greatly upset by her father's sudden death. ������ͻȻȥ������ʹ���ѣ���Ҳ����֮���顣
2. Since we didn't place many orders to you in the first half of this year that makes me feel unnaturally. �����һ�¡����ڽ���δδ�ܸ������ṩ�㹻��Ķ�������������в���������ô˵������?
3. Darling, you've changed too much and I can't even recognize you. Look at your hair. Your black hair is dyed and is unnaturally curly. What other adventures? �װ��ġ�����̫���ˡ����������ϲ������ˡ��������ͷ������ĺ�ɫȾ����ɫ���̵úܾ����ܲ���Ȼ���㻹��ðʲô��?
1. in an unnatural way
2. not according to nature; not by natural means
3. not as might be expected
unnaturally ���Ϻ���Ȼ����;
born unnaturally Υ����Ȼ���� ҽ��;
Υ����Ȼ���� ҽ���o��;