1. The most silly , lazy , artful , shrewish, ugly , weak and unlikable child among all usually is most doted on by parents. ����֮�бȽ������������������ã���������������ϲ���ģ�������ø�ĸ�Ӱ���
2. Men, on the other hand, were more evenly divided in their response, but failed to show the same preferential bias for acts of "informational warfare" against the unlikable classmate. ����һ���棬���ԶԸ��ַ�Ӧ�����£����Ƕ��������ͬѧ�ġ���Ϣ��ͻ����Ϊ����ѡƫ��ȴû����ʾ������
3. The possibility of forcing hard landing through policy is very rare, i. e. it's very unlikable that the real estate quarter will fall into a recession. �����߲�����ʹ����Ӳ����Ŀ����Բ����ز�����ȵĿ����Խ�С��