1. Once you realize this, you will stop and become a "hands-off" manager, so you unleash their creativity and energy. һ����ʶ����һ�㣬��ͻ��Ϊһ�����ſ��֡��ľ���������ܼ������ǵĴ�������������
2. Climate change, which already wreaks havoc through local droughts and heat waves, could well unleash global-scale havoc in a few decades. �����ڸ����������֡����˵����ѵ������Ǩ��������δ����ʮ���ڣ���ɱ鼰ȫ��Ĵ����ѡ�
3. That's what economists call "human capital. " And the best way to unleash that resource is, is to build healthy, educated, and democratic societies. �Ǿ��Ǿ���ѧ�ҳ�֮Ϊ�������ʱ����Ķ��������ͷ�������Դ����ѷ�ʽ�ǣ��ǽ�����������������������ᡣ
1. release or vent
2. release from a leash
3. turn loose or free from restraint