1. We studied the evolution of general Universal Joint, the torque and life test of Ball Universal Joint is more stronger than Universal Joint over than 150%. ������з�ר����Ʒ����Ť���������ı��ֱȴ�ͳ�������ͷ������1��5�����ϡ�
2. Formation center tester(FCT) is made up of hydraulic power joint, double PACKER joint, opposing infuse joint, numeric pump exhausting joint, sensor joint and sampling tube joint. �꾮���������������Һѹ�����̽ڡ�˫PACKER�̽ڡ�����ע��̽ڡ����ֱó�̽ڡ��������̽ں�ȡ��Ͳ�̽���ɵġ�
3. The shoulder is a complex joint which consists of sternoclavicular joint, clavicle, acromioclavicular joint, scapula, glenohumeral joint, proximal humerus and scapulothoracic joint. ��ؽ����������ؽڡ��ǡ����ؽڡ��ιǡ��Źؽڡ��ǽ����Լ������رڹؽڹ�ͬ��ɵĸ��ӽṹ��
4. The material choice, moulding method, joint principle and shape design of hinge joint, hasp joint, clamp joint and press fit joint of normal plastics were introduced. ���ܳ������Ͻ������ӡ�������ӡ��������ӡ�ѹ��װ�����ӵ����Ӽ�����ѡ���ͷ���������ԭ������״��Ƶȡ�
5. The material choice, moulding method, joint principle and shape design of hinge joint, hasp joint, clamp joint and press fit joint of normal plastics were introduced. ���ܳ������Ͻ������ӡ�������ӡ��������ӡ�ѹ��װ�����ӵ����Ӽ�����ѡ���ͷ���������ԭ������״��Ƶȡ�