1. To be strong, a country must have unity. һ������Ҫǿʢ�����Ž�һ�¡�
2. The second is to explain the nature of the unity of the immaterial mind. �ڶ��������ǽ��ͷ�ʵ�ʵľ�������ϵı�����ʲô��
3. Without the understanding of much of anything, life becomes a repetitive cycle of birth, death and rebirth without evolution, without understanding, and without unity. û�жԸ���������˽⣬�������һ���ظ��ij������������������ڣ�û�н�����û�����⣬��û��ͳһ��
1. an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting
2. the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number
3. the quality of being united into one