1. "Inadvertent pollution" refers to the unintended introduction of a material that causes plant damage. ������ע�����Ⱦ���漰������������������ɶ�ֲ���Σ����
2. To prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents, and to apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose. ��ֹ���ϵ��ļ���Ԥ�ڵ�ʹ�ã������κ�ԭ������������ļ�ʱ������Щ�ļ������ʵ��ı�ʶ��
3. This is the next statement that will be executed. To change which statement is executed next, drag the arrow . This may have unintended consequences. �⽫����һ��ִ�еij���ʽ����Ҫ�����һ��ִ�еij���ʽ������ҷ���š���������δ֪�ĺ����