1. It advocates to unify material consumption and spirit live. �������������뾫��������ͳһ��
2. Require a food safety supervision departments to further unify their thinking, awareness-raising. Ҫ���ʳƷ��ȫ��ܲ���һҪ��һ��ͳһ˼�룬�����ʶ��
3. Environmentally friendly society reflects the philosophy idea that person, society, nature mutually unify. �����Ѻ�����ᷴӳ���ˡ���ᡢ��Ȼ��ͳһ����ѧ���
1. become one
2. to bring or combine together or with something else
3. bring together for a common purpose or action or ideology or in a shared situation
4. act in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief
5. join or combine