1. We shall prove the following ungainly technical lemma. ������֤��������߳��ļ����Ե�������
2. Like other SRL inventions, this ungainly beast was sort-of-steered by a radio-control unit designed for model cars. ��ͬSRL����������һ������ͷ���Ĺ�����һ̨ģ��������ң���������ݡ�
3. Reflected in the transparent water, he saw below him his own image, but he was no longer a clumsy dark gray bird, ugly and ungainly. He was himself, a swan. ���������Լ��ĵ�Ӱ�����Dz�����һֻ�ֱ��ġ����ɫ�ġ��ֳ������������Ѽ�ӣ���ȴ��--һֻ��죡��ת����
1. lacking grace in movement or posture
2. difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape