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unessential [,ʌni'senʃəl]



    adj. �DZ��ʵģ�����Ҫ��
    n. �DZ��ʵ��������Ҫ������




    1. It is unessential to see who have ever cursed you. If a crazy dog nip you. do you want to fall your face down to nip the crazy dog?
    2. And so to live simply is to rid your life of as many of the unnecessary and unessential things as you can, to make room for the essential.
    ������������ѧ��һ���֣�Ҳ�����ں��������һ���֣�һ��ֻ�� һ�������������
    3. And so to live simply is to rid your life of as many of the unnecessary and unessential things as you can, to make room for the essential.


      1. not basic or fundamental


    �DZ��ʵ�; �DZ��ʵĶ���; ����Ҫ��; ����Ҫ�Ķ���;
    Unessential discord
    unessential singularity
    unessential amino acid


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