1. He is understudying Hamlet. ��������ϰ�ݡ���ķ���ء��Ա���ʱ������ˡ�
2. If one area has dysfunction or damage, another can step in like an understudy and play the role. Ҫ��һ������ʧȥ���ܻ�������һ���ͻ��ϳ���ȡ����֮���������油��Ա��
3. Reina feels his situation with the Spanish national team is similar to that of his Anfield understudy Diego Cavalieri. ������ΪĿǰ���ڹ��ҶӵĴ����뿨�������ڰ��ƶ����油��ɫ���ơ�
1. an actor able to replace a regular performer when required
2. be an understudy or alternate for a role