1. However undemocratic it may be, it is not a totalitarian state. �����ж�ô����������ȴ������һ����Ȩ���ҡ�
2. Currently, this ideology is of very strong realistic guiding importance to eradicate the undemocratic tradition in teaching. ��һ˼����ڵ�ǰ�Ƴ�������ѧ�в������������к�ǿ����ʵָ�����塣
3. Another group spent much of their lives as the persecuted opposition to an undemocratic regime, and retain an aura of heroism as they operate out in the open (South Africa, Iraq). ����һ��������Ϊ��������Ȩ�����Ⱥ��ķ��Ե����������ǹ����ı��֣�ͷ�ϼ���������Ӣ������Ĺ�������Ϸǡ������ˣ���
1. not in agreement with or according to democratic doctrine or practice or ideals
undemocratic ������;
boycotting an undemocratic election ����һ��������ѡ��;