1. Sometimes do not know what they were doing, as if the purpose of uncontrolled indulgence myself. ��ʱ��֪���Լ��ڸ�ʲô���·�������Ŀ�ĵķ������Լ���
2. By doing so, you can prevent the uncontrolled consumption of valuable system resources such as CPU time. �������ƺ��Է�ֹ�û�����Ҫϵͳ��Դ������CPUʱ�䣩�IJ��ɿص����ѡ�
3. At last, the methods that repress reflection noise in high density, uncontrolled-impedance digital circuit package are given based result of simulation. �����ڷ�����֤����������˸��ܶȡ����ɿ��迹�����ֵ�·��װ�����Ʒ��������ķ�����