1. The nature is innocent, alcohol and of girl, the passion subsistence, art, book, network. Like the unconstraint. �������棬���͵�Ů�����Ȱ����������ͼ�飬���硣ϲ���������ڡ�
2. Unconstraint by US education, my son finished his report. This time, the report was ten pages long with its own cover and bibliography. �������������Ѿ�����������Ķ��Ӱ������������ˣ���δ�ӡ��������ʮҳ�������Լ��ķ��棬����һ�����IJο��顣
3. Meeting the nature of the human beings" chase of unconstraint, Wireless local area networks, after its appearance, has been experiencing a booming development." ���߾������ķ�չ˳Ӧ�����������������ԣ�������ֺ�õ���Ѹ�ٵķ�չ��
1. the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry