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unconcerned [,ʌnkən'sə:nd]



    adj. �����ĵģ��޹صģ������ǵ�



    1. Unconcerned, Nancy folds the eggs in half with a spatula. She looks up and smiles at her husband.
    2. This paper discusses how to design a platform Unconcerned in fingerprint input system, and gives a real example.
    3. The algorithm needs not calculate gradient, is unconcerned about the initial value, and searches in a greater scope.


      1. lacking in interest or care or feeling
      2. easy in mind; not worried
      3. not occupied or engaged with


    ��Į��; �����ĵ�; ���ں���; ������Ȥ��;
    unconcerned with
    be unconcerned in
    careless nonchalant unconcerned
    solicitous - unconcerned
    ���ĵ� - �����ĵ�;


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