1. Conclusion The juvenile delinquents show more extroversion. They were irritable, uncompassionate, impulsive and hostility. ���������ﷸ�����Ϊ�����������ȼ������ʸ��ԡ�
2. We feel we should become upset over our own and other people's problems, those who don't are uncaring, and uncompassionate people. ����Ӧ�ö��Լ�����˵�����е��ѹ�������Щ���е��ѹ����˾��Dz�������û��ͬ���ĵ��ˡ�
3. Venerable Chao Hwei argued that allowing this injustice to continue is uncompassionate as we are not doing anything to help these beings alleviate their suffering. �ѻ۷�ʦǿ�����ò�����ļ������ھ��Dz��ȱ�����Ϊ���Dz���Ϊ�������˵Ŀ��Ѿ��κ�һ���������