1. Massive liquidity injections by the Federal Reserve and other central banks have done little to unclog the pipes. �����ע���˴����������ʽ������������������ϰ���ͨ�ܵ��������ĺ��١�
2. Instead of demanding that banks recognize their losses, overhaul operations and quickly raise equity from private sources, regulators bet a flood of money would unclog credit markets. ������������ʧ������������ʽ������˽���ʽ��ô����ֽ����ֲ�������ɨ������Σ����
3. The Arabian Peninsula's first urban railway looks swell, it may unclog the roads and should be a welcome convenience to the ordinary folk who cater to Dubai's plushily motorized elite. �����������뵺�ϵĵ�һ��������·����ȥ�dz����������Ի�����潻ͨѹ����ҲӦ�ÿ���Ϊ��ͼӭ�ϵϰ��ݻ���ǿ�������Ե��ϲ���ʿ����ͨ���ڴ����ܺõı�����