1. Daniel has another woman on the side, but his wife is totally unaware. ��������������������Ů�ˣ�������������ȫȻ��֪��
2. But for your timely warning, we would have been unaware of the danger. ��������㼰ʱ���ѣ����ǻ�һֱû����ʶ��Σ�յġ�
3. So we are continuously testing their behaviour, making them smart enough to defeat the unaware player but also believably "human", making mistakes sometimes and such. �������Dz��ϲ������ǵ���Ϊ��ʹ�����㹻����������δ���������ҵ��ֺ����ԣ�������ʱ������ȡ�
1. (often followed by `of') not aware
2. not aware or knowing