1. During the interview, be confident but not cocky. Overconfidence is just as unappealing as its opposite. �������У�Ҫ���Ŷ���Ҫ�Դ����������������෴��Ч����
2. Though the change is worthwhile, the immediate results look unappealing �C except to the top iron ore miners. ��Ȼ��������ֵ�õģ������µĽ������ȥ�������������������Ƕ�����ʯ���ɾ�뢶��ԡ�
3. Examples include criticizing or shouting at an employee, assigning an unappealing task, and sending a worker home without pay. ���磬����Ա��������Ա�������䲻���������͡�
1. (of characters in literature or drama) tending to evoke antipathetic feelings
2. not able to attract favorable attention