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try [trai]



    vt. ��ͼ��Ŭ�������飻���У�����
    vi. ���ԣ�Ŭ��������
    n. ���ԣ�Ŭ��������



attempt   ����ʽ�ôʣ������Ѿ���ʼ����ϣ����ɣ����������Ų�һ����Ԥ�ڵĽ����
try   ��ͨ�ôʣ�����attempt���ã���ǿ��Ŭ�����ԣ��������ʽ��ʾŬ������ȡ����������ʱ�ʾ���ԡ�
endeavour   ��ʽ�ôʣ�ָ�����Ŭ��������ؿ˷�����ȥ��ij�¡�
strive   ��endeavourһ������ʾ�����޴�Ŭ������strive������������ţ�����ǿ��Ŭ���Ľ����


    1. He tried his fortune in another city.
    2. You can do anything if you try!
    3. I try to explain it in brief.


      1. earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something
      2. make an effort or attempt
      3. put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to
      4. put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of
      5. take a sample of
      6. examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process
      7. give pain or trouble to
      8. test the limits of
      9. melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities
      10. put on a garment in order to see whether it fits and looks nice


    ���Կ���; ��ͼ; �����ֱ�; ����;
    Try again
    ����һ��; �´�����; ����һ��; �ٷ���;
    to try
    �Դ�(����); ��ͼ; ����;
    Try This
    ��һ��; �������Կ�; ���Կ�;
    try gauge


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