1. The strange resolution of trustfulness he had taken seemed to animate even his secret conduct. �����µ����̹Ȼ�ɵĹ־��ߺ�������˽�µ�һ��һ��������������
2. It is true that the patient's happy trustfulness makes our earliest relationship with him a very pleasant one; ��Ȼ�����˿��ֵ�����ʹ���Ǻ����������ϵ��÷dz����ã�
3. We see faithfulness and trustfulness as the foundation of our business. We strive for the best reputation by providing top service, top techniques, top environment and top management. ��˾��ֳ����ط���ԭ������һ���ķ���һ���ļ�����һ���Ļ�����һ���Ĺ�������Ӯ���г������Ŀڱ���
1. the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others