1. Many of the rest of the trilogy: Epson product recall plan is implemented in Japan, the next step in China happen, or project? 笔者:爱普生的许多产品回收计划是在日本本土推行的,那么下一步在中国会有什么样的计划?
2. Taking Huawei Corporation as the case research object, this paper summarizes the trilogy of key account value marketing: value recognition, value choice and value providing. 文章以华为公司作为案例研究对象,总结提炼出大客户价值营销的三步曲:价值识别,价值选择,价值提供。
3. In the days of the classic trilogy, realizing the raid on the Droid Control Ship would have cost millions and millions of dollars in construction, and cutting it would be especially difficult. 在经典三部曲时代,要拍摄突袭机器人控制舰的镜头将花费数百万数百万的美元来搭建布景,而要剪掉这个镜头也将变得尤为困难。
1. a set of three literary or dramatic works related in subject or theme