1. Don't trifle away your time, your money. ��Ҫ��ȹ������˷ѽ�Ǯ��
2. Don't trifle away your time on curio hunting. ���ʱ�䶼�˷����Ѽ��������档
3. and when a little trifle of new matter was interlarded. ÿ���������ӽ�һ��������ʱ��
4. When scales are balanced evenly, a trifle of extra weight thrown into either side overbalances the other as effectively as a ton. ����ƽ���˱���ƽ��ʱ�����κ�һ�˼�����ôһ�������������������һ����������ʹ��ƽʧȥƽ�⡣
5. For every little trifle they blame you, my child. The yare ready to find fault for nothing. ��������Ϊÿ��С�����㣬�ҵĺ��ӣ�����������Ե�ʵ�������鷳��