1. He is not a person to trifle with. �����Ǻ��ǵ��ˣ������ǿ����������ˡ�
2. Those who trifle with you feel the fury of the storm. ���������Щ�˻���ܵ��籩�Ŀ�ŭ��
3. A mere trifle bring about a quarrel between the brother. һ���С���������ֵܼ�һ��������
1. sponge cake spread with jam and soaked in wine; served with a custard sauce
2. a detail that is considered insignificant
3. something of small importance v.
1. waste time; spend one's time idly or inefficiently
2. act frivolously
3. consider not very seriously
trifle �ɸ�;
mere trifle С��˼;
English Trifle ˮ����㵰��;
trifle with ��ͬ��Ϸ;