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transposition [,trænspə'ziʃən, ,trænz-, ,trɑ:n-]



    n. [��]������������ã����



    1. Round 5 transposition seems transitional time required to kill fire eyes.
    2. Though the arrangement process is very complicated, there are three basic operations: translocation, reversal and transposition.
    3. Swedes prefer to have a teammate as a front in support of his partner, and he even transposition, Age Mancini this is Cruz, Adriano is now.


      1. any abnormal position of the organs of the body
      2. an event in which one thing is substituted for another
      3. (genetics) a kind of mutation in which a chromosomal segment is transfered to a new position on the
      4. (mathematics) the transfer of a quantity from one side of an equation to the other along with a chan
      5. (electricity) a rearrangement of the relative positions of power lines in order to minimize the effe
      6. the act of reversing the order or place of
      7. (music) playing in a different key from the key intended; moving the pitch of a piece of music upwar


    �Ƶ�; ת�������ã�; ת��; ����;
    transposition system
    ��λ��; ������; ������ʽ; ��*��;
    transposition pole
    ������; ��*���;
    transposition support
    Replicative transposition


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