1. He told me to total those numbers. �����Ұ���Щ���ּ�������
2. Figures in brackets represent the percentages to total. ���������ִ�����ܼƵİٷֱȡ�
3. The total was now $500��plenty for a Christmas for three. ���ڵ�������500Ԫ�����㹻һ�����ڹ�ʥ�����ˡ�
1. the whole amount
2. a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers v.
1. add up in number or quantity
2. determine the sum of
3. damage beyond the point of repair adj.
1. constituting the full quantity or extent; complete
2. including everything
3. without conditions or limitations
4. complete in extent or degree and in every particular