1. And under the influence of that wintry piece of fact, she would become torpid again. �����������纮��һ�����ʵ��Ӱ��֮�£����ֻص��ݷ���״̬֮�С�
2. It is a man's own fault, it is from want of use, if his mind grows torpid in old age(Samuel Johnson. һ�����ϵ�ʱ�������Ϊ����ʹ��ͷ�Զ�ʹ�������ľ���������Լ��Ĺ��������Ѷ�Լ��ѷ����
3. To the outrage of trade unions, he has shaken up Italy's legendarily torpid civil service, in which he claims to have reduced absenteeism by 40%. �������������Ϊ���ж������д̣���Ϊ������������ø�ʢ��������Ч�ʹ���Ա���Ž����˴������ĸĸ���������ƴ˾ټ�����40%��ȱ���ʡ�
1. slow and apathetic
2. in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation