1. The clock is not aware. You can listen to the tick-tick; ���������δ�δ���������ʱ�Ӵ���û����������
2. Una: you career girls can't put it off fever, you know. Tick-tock, tick-tock. ���ȣ���Ҳ���ף�������Щ�ϰ�Ů��Ҳ����һֱ����ȥ�ġ�ʱ��δ�δ����ŵúܿ죡
3. Tick, tock. Tick tock. Are you working yet? Sometimes, the only schedule worth keeping is the one you make yourself. �δ𡢵δ��㻹�ڹ�����?��ʱ��Ψһֵ�����ص��ճ̰�����Ϊ�Լ��ƶ����Ǹ���
4. Tick! Tick! One two! One two! I like to follow rhythms and sing. I like to play with happy songs. I just like to make a friend of music. �δ𣬵δ�һ����һ������ϲ���������೪����ϲ���������ֵ��������࣬�Ҿ���ϲ�����������������ѣ�
5. before loading blanket will blanket + felt or worsted + paper lining thickness for accurate measurement with micrometer for to hear them, making the micrometer, tick, tick "four tones prevail." ����Ƥ��֮���������Ƥ��+ձ�ػ��߾���ë��+ֽ�İ��ĺ�ȣ�������ǧ�ֳ߾��в�ȷ��ȣ�������ǧ�ֳ�ડ�ડ�ડ������Ϊ��