1. My landlords threatening to put the rent up by 10 week. �ҵķ���ҪЮ˵Ҫ��ÿ��������10Ӣ����
2. The newest tactics: Splattering their own blood and threatening to hurl plastic bags of their feces. ���µIJ����ǣ������Լ�����Ѫ���Լ���вҪͶ�������ϴ��������˷ࡣ
3. On Iran, we must take immediate action to prevent the leadership in Tehran from developing a nuclear weapons capability and further threatening the region. �����������ϣ����DZ���������ȡ�ж���ֹ�º������쵼�㷢չ����������������һ����в�õ�����
1. threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
2. darkened by clouds