1. In the sex-war thoughtlessness is the weapon of the male, vindictiveness of the female. ������ս���У����˵�������³ç��Ů�˵������DZ�����
2. Because rude behavior in children is more often the result of thoughtlessness than of deliberate aggression. ���ӵĴ�³��Ϊ�����Dz�����Ľ���������dz��ڹ��⡣
3. Because rude behavior in children is more often the thoughtlessness than of deliberate aggression, criticism, namecalling and orders only make a child angry and defensive. ���ӵIJ���ò��Ϊ������ȱ�����ǵĽ���������ǹ���ð�����ˣ��������������ֻ��ʹ������ŭ�������ִ�������
1. the quality of failing to be considerate of others
2. the trait of not thinking carefully before acting
thoughtlessness ˼��ȱʧ֢;
My mixed emotions at my thoughtlessness �����ҵ����ʲΰ�;