1. This will be a thorough revolution. �⽫��һ�����ĸ�����
2. If you can carry out a thorough study of the market, and keep a record of every detail, that could win more success. ֻҪ���ܽ��г����г��о�������¼��ÿһ��ϸ�ڣ��Ǿ���Ϊ�Լ�Ӯ�ø���ijɹ����롣
3. You may trust rich experience: The thorough understanding company faces the service challenges and deals with these challenges record. ���������ķḻ���飺�����˽˾�����ٵ�ҵ����ս��Ӧ����Щ��ս�ļ�¼��
1. painstakingly careful and accurate
2. very thorough; exhaustively complete