1. I think Jane has something to say about that. -You know, I think��uh, I don't think that that is provably true. ����Ϊ��Դ����Լ��Ŀ�����-��֪��������Ϊ���ţ��Ҳ���Ϊ���ǿ�֤ʵ����ʵ��
2. Schedule think weeks, think days, or think hours for yourself or your work group. Ϊ���Լ�������Ĺ����鰲�š�˼���ܡ�����˼���족�����ߡ�˼��Сʱ����
3. So next time you run into someone in a chatroom and think "what a baboon, " think twice: it just might be. �Ժ���������������һ������е��������������ѣ��ɵ�ϸ�����룬˵����������ѻ����Ǹ������أ�
4. Shapes: Brows &Eyes can also create SHAPES. Think of the compositional advantages this gives you. Avoid complicated shapes and think of simplicity. ��װ��üë���۾�Ҳ�����γ�һ��������״�������ǽ�������кܶ�ĺô�����״Ҫ�����Ǹ��ӡ�
5. Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person. ���õĽ��������������Ƕ��Լ��ϼѵ����ۣ��Լ��������Ƕ����˽ϲ�����ۡ�
reconsider second thought think over think twice dig over ���¿���;
reconsider second thought think over think twice dig over ���¿���;
call to mind canister back cast back recollect recollection remembrance reminiscence think about think back vista ����;
reconsider second thought think over think twice dig over ���¿���;
call to mind canister back cast back recollect recollection remembrance reminiscence think about think back vista ����;