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thickset ['θik'set]



    adj. �̵ֶģ����ֵģ���ï�ģ����ܵ�
    n. ��б�Ʋ�����ľ�ԣ�����



    1. A long, thin stem sits on a tiny, thickset body that is covered �Canimal welfarists, please, try not to listen for a moment!
    2. a sturdy thickset short-haired breed with a large head and strong undershot lower jaw; developed originally in England for bull baiting.
    3. And, with an imperious motion, the frail young man of twenty years bent the thickset and sturdy porter like a reed, and brought him to his knees in the mire.


      1. heavy and compact in form or stature
      2. planted or growing close together


    ���ܵ�; �ֺ��о��; ����; ��ï;
    thickset cord
    thickset pin wale corduroy
    thickset sturdy brawny
    exuberant flourishing luxuriant opulent thickset thrifty wanton


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