1. Theological tradition of the west��concentrated heavily and almost exclusively on the Death of Christ. Since Anselm. �����̻����ѧ��ͳ�s�ԴӰ�ɪ�������������ȫ���ص���ڻ���������
2. Some said that his words were commonplace, others complained of his want of theological doctrine. �е���˵�����Ļ�����������̸���ɻ��е��˱�Թ��û����ѧ�ϵ����塣
3. Secondly, evangelicalism is not a denomination in itself, but is a major trend or theological movement within the mainstream denominations. �ڶ������Ǵ����ڸ����������е�һ����Ҫ��ѧ�˶������ơ���������������ij�������Ͼʹ�����һ���������˶�����
4. Another theological point held in common by many Wiccans is the immanence of deity/divinity within the natural world, self and cycle of the seasons. ��������߹�ͬ���е���һ����ѧ�۵�����������ڵ�����/����Ȼ���硢���ҡ�����ѭ��֮�ڵ����ԡ�
5. a theological student with whom I argued interminably; her nagging went on endlessly. һ��ѧ��ѧ��ѧ����һ����һֱ�ں������������۵��ˣ���һֱ��߶����ͣ��