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textile ['tekstail, -til]



    n. ��֯Ʒ��֯��
    adj. ��֯��



    1. Collect East Asia art, European glass, textile, and porcelain.
    2. This development could spell disaster for the textile industry.
    3. I will appreciate it, if you can introduce me to some firm which deal with textile.


      1. artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers
      2. of or relating to fabrics or fabric making


    ��֯; ֯��; ��֯Ʒ; ֯Ʒ;
    textile fabric
    ֯��; ��֯����; ֯�� ��֯ƷӢ��; ֯��-;
    textile plants
    textile finishing
    ֯����ɼӹ�; ����β��; ֯������; ֯�������ӹ�;
    textile soap
    ˿����; ��֯��ҵ����;


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