1. For Apple, the eastern half of Europe is still both terra incognita and non desiderata. ��ƻ����˾��˵��ŷ�Ķ��벿��Ȼ��δ���ֵ�������Ҳ����������Ҫ�õ����г���
2. A market in US mortgages is hardly terra incognita. ������Ѻ�����г�����һ�鴦Ů�ء�
3. I must avoid my pre-existing knowledge and constructs, and enter my personal terra incognita. �Ҳ��ò��ƿ�ԭ�е�֪ʶ�����������ҵ�δ֪����
4. There are several continental areas, notably Ishtar Terra, the size of the USA and the largest of all; Aphrodite Terra. �м�����½�������ر�����ʦ����������ģ���ı���ٸ���У��������߯����ٸ��
5. Fig. 9: Damages to vegetables caused by Meloidogyne incognita at vegetable specialty farming area. ͼ�š��߲�רҵ�����Ϸ������߳�Σ��֮���ԡ�
Terra Incognita δ֪����;