1. Disciplinary action will be in accordance with Company policy and may include termination of employment. �������ж������ݹ�˾���ߺͿ��ܰ�����������ֹ���ù�ϵ��
2. Termination of process DLL, to provide a process to terminate a function, simply specify the process name. ��ֹ���̵�DLL���ṩһ����ֹij���̵ĺ�����ֻ��ָ���ý��̵����Ƽ��ɡ�
3. This call performs an immediate (asynchronous) termination of any currently executing OCI function that is associated with a server. ������õ�ִ�л�������ֹ�κε�ǰ��һ�����������oci������ִ�С�
1. a coming to an end of a contract period
2. a place where something ends or is complete
3. something that results
4. the end of a word (a suffix or inflectional ending or final morpheme)
5. the act of ending something