1. In case a depositor operates temporary businesses at a place other than that of its registration, it can only open one temporary deposit account at the place of its temporary businesses. ���������ش�����ʱ��ģ�ֻ��������ʱ��ؿ���һ����ʱ����˻���
2. The time that leaves Song Zheng already not much, the contest mark that Ying Chao hookup counterpoised 2013 has entered 2011 ~ warm-up phase. ����������ʱ���Ѿ����࣬2011��2013��Ӣ��ת��Ȩ�ľ����Ѿ�����Ԥ�ȽΡ�
3. In Los Angele this week Sego will be trumpeting the arrival of a 32-. bit version of Sonic the Hedgehog, a soaring game called Nights, and a Net Link telephone hookup�� ���ܣ����ι�˾������ɼ���Ƴ�32λ�汾�ġ��������ꡱ��Ѹ���ߺ����Ϸ����ҹ���Լ����С��������ӡ��ĵ绰����װ�á�
4. The company sent a man to hookup the telephone. ��˾����һ������װ�绰��
5. Side-by-side construction for easy hookup of left and right channels. ���ŵ�˫�߷dz���������������ʶ������ӡ�