1. Thousands of children were in class when the temblor hit Monday afternoon. Many of their schools collapsed on top of them. ��һ�������ʱ�г�ǧ�ĺ�����ѧУ�ϿΣ������ѧУ�������������������ˡ�
2. Faults along the southern, Himalayan edge of Tibet present hazards as great as those underlying the Sichuan temblor, Ellis said. �������ص��ϲ���ϲ������ɽ��Ե�Ķϲ㣬������������Ĵ�����Ķϲ�ͬ�����Σ�ա�
3. California faces an almost certain risk of being rocked by a strong earthquake by 2037, scientists said last month in the first statewide temblor forecast. ��ѧ��˵�����ϸ��µĵ�һ��ȫ�ݵĵ���̽���У�2037�꣬���ݽ����������Ѿ���Ϊ��ʵ��һ��ǿ�������Ϯ����
1. shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault