1. Scandal is gossip made tedious by morality. �̰��ǵ�������ķ�ζ�����ԡ�
2. It is absurd to divide people in to good and bad . People are either charming or tedious. ���˷ֳɺõ��뻵���ǻ����ģ���Ҫô�����˵�Ҫô�Ƿ�ζ�ġ�
3. A major limitation of wood block printing is that each new message requires carving a new block of wood, and carving is a slow and tedious process. ľ�̰�ӡˢ��һ��Ҫȱ�ݣ�����һ�µ�ͼ����Ϣ��Ҫ���һ���µ�ľ�棬���ҵ��ľ����һ�������ַ����Ĺ��̡�
1. so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness
2. using or containing too many words