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tangled ['tæŋɡld]



    adj. ���ҵģ������ģ�����ģ����ӵ�




    1. Look behind a desk in any home and you're likely to see a tangled mess of wires.
    2. But all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all. Take the lot of the happiest - it is a tangled yarn.
    3. A tangled kelp forest fills the water column off the coast of Maine. Kelp is harvested all over the world and used in such things as foods, fertilizers, and soaps.


      1. in a confused mass
      2. highly complex or intricate


    �ҳ�һ��; ������; ����ģ����ӵģ����ҵ�; ����C��;
    tangled vegetation
    ����ֲ�� ��ֲ����ܣ���֦�໥��֯��������һ���ֲ��Ⱥ�䡣; ����ֲ����ֲ����ܣ���֦�໥��֯��������һ���ֲ��Ⱥ�䡣;
    leave tangled
    �� ��ס��;
    Tangled Up
    ���ߵ�; ����ȥ;
    Tangled Web


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