1. In despite of how hard ��������ô����Ŭ�����ڸ�ĸ�������Ȼ��ʲô�����У�������ȻҪ����ָ�ֻ��ţ�����������һ����ʮ������ˣ���Ȼ�ǵ�����
2. On the strength of one short paragraph they have decided you are unpleasantly ambitious, devious, probably talentless and a shameless flirt. ƾ��һС�λ������Ǿ��жϳ����Ǹ�Ұ�IJ���������������ˣ���ƻ���������Щ���ܣ����һ���֪���ܵص��顣
3. A talentless street musician in Holland got local people so upset by his awful saxophone playing that they got police to confiscate his instrument. ������һλû����ֵĽ�ͷ���ּң�ÿ�����������˹ʵ��̫���������ؾ������ܣ��þ���û��������������