1. Enternet, you can take my bless, take my miss, take my care, take my gentel, but, can you take my tears fall down on the keyboard??? ��·��������ȥ���ҵ�ף������ȥ���ҵ�˼���ȥ�˹��ģ���ȥ�����������ǣ�������ȥ�ҵ��ڼ����ϵ������𣿣���
2. When the memories of a time when the only consolation that we have only to revisit over and over again, over and over again to release. �������ΪΨһο���ʱ������ֻ��һ�������£�һ�����ͷš�
3. Built-in protecting circuit and abnormal warning against over-current, over-heat, over-voltage, over low voltage, can ensure security. ���ù��������ȡ���ѹ��Ƿѹ�ȱ�����������·��ʹ�ð�ȫ�ɿ���
4. Take a step a bit however at this moment " hard " , again and again by the person " tackle " , "Take a car?Take a car? ��ʱȴ�е����������ѡ���ƵƵ���ˡ���ء������˳���?�˳���?
5. The method of design the hardware of automatic test system is introduced, and take example for take-over power equipment of wireless radio. �����Ժ������ߵ�̨��һ���������ռ�����Ϊ��˵�����Զ�����ϵͳӲ��ƽ̨����Ʒ�����
take over take-over �ӹ�;
over the side take boat take water �ϴ�;
over the side take boat take water �ϴ�;
devolve on hand over handover make over remove set over �ƽ�;
overflow extravasation flood overbrim run over slop over spill over spillage ���;